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GOLD Cutaway Wilkinson Compensated Bridge Brass Saddles - Fits Tele® Guitarfetish C38BB

Regular price $34.95 USD
Regular price $64.95 USD Sale price $34.95 USD
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You asked for it- We went ahead and BEGGED the factory to make these!

The great Wilkinson stamped steel Tele bridge with three compensated BRASS saddles is a cool piece- but what if you want to mount  a humbucker? A Dogear P90?  Heck- I love em with an exposed Tele bridge pickup- Not only is the look cool, but by isolating the bridge pickup form the metal baseplate you get a warmer guitar less prone to microphonics.

These are DUAL-LOAD- string through the body or use it top mounted. It's really a beautifully made piece, and worthy of the genuine Wilkinson name! Comes complete with the four mounting screws.

This is a real honest-to-goodness USA Tele® sized 2 7/32 string spacing- NOT the Asian 10.5mm - which is very common with some other vendors. This can be used as a real string-though bridge like a genuine 1950's tele® bridge, and also has top-mount holes in the rear- so you can even use it on a guitar with no string holes.

You CAN use these on hardtail strat bodies too- but ONLY if you have not already installed a standard strat hardtail- or you'll have three exposed screwholes....

A great replacement for a vintage guitar or a great start on your Tele® kit project!