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"Made in Mexico" Import UPGRADE Trem GOLD complete Kit D47BB

Regular price $42.95 USD
Regular price $84.95 USD Sale price $42.95 USD
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FINALLY!! A real UPGRADE for Import trems.

Made in Mexico, Made in China, Made in Korea etc.- You have the narrow 2 1/16" string spacing- That's fine but the SIX SCREW HOLES are also narrow- The problem is ALL of the narrow spaced trems have crappy thin zinc blocks, crappy fat "pot metal" trem arms and they don't upgrade anything!

Well Guitarfetish to the rescue.

This is our own Proprietary trem- designed by us, made for us.

Vintage style bent steel saddles with stainless adjusting screws, hardened steel baseplate, 6 hardened steel screws, Thin, vintage-style Hardened steel tremolo arm, four springs and a trem claw- The WHOLE kit. But even better a FULL SIZED, SOLID STEEL trem block.

The improvement in tone is remarkable- better sustain, better bottom end response- the guitar will sound fuller, louder and tighter.

We've upgraded all of the MIM strats in our soundroom and WOW- what a difference.

You get a complete installation kit- All you need is a screwdriver. Just measure your trem- if your screw holes are exactly 52.5mm from Low E hole to high E hole- this is a DROP-IN.